New Year, New Goals: Using SMART Goals in 2021

New Year, New Resolutions: What’s my reason to change? We’ve all heard that January refrain – New Year, New Me! A New Year brings energy and optimism that motivates us to want to set goals and reinvent ourselves. Unfortunately, once the holiday spirit has worn off and we get back into our regular day-to-day routines, […]

Corporate Wellness Programs: The Rundown

Corporate wellness programs have grown from being simple job perks into a field of important services meant to optimize employee productivity and retention. By providing disease prevention and early detection of health issues, these programs are taking on a vital role long underserved by the American medical industry. A wellness program can take many forms: […]

Wellness Program Cost Vs. Healthcare Savings

When trying to measure the return on employee incentive programs, what Benefits, HR and Safety leaders at self-insured companies actually need to measure is their healthcare cost [or savings] in relation to the cost of their health, wellness, and safety programs. One of the most common sources of pushback that health, wellness, and safety program […]

How to Stop Engagement Erosion in Your Employee Incentive Program

GoPivot My Points

So, your program is suffering from engagement erosion. Don’t panic. Here’s how to stop it. No matter how strong your employee wellness or safety program content is – you’re still going to face the problem of engagement erosion. That’s because all the personalized exercise content or OSHA training materials in the world are no match […]

Healthcare Giant Finds Cure For It’s Own Wellness Problem

Picture this … you’re the regional arm of a national healthcare provider with a reputation for quality care dating back to World War II. Your 2,300 employees work hard every day to serve 20 medical centers in communities all over your state. But, when it comes to keeping your own employees healthy, you lack a […]

HR Company Sees Big Benefits In New Approach To Wellness

Picture this … you’re a multi-billion-dollar company providing HR services. Over the past 30 years, you’ve built a thriving culture of more than 3,000 employees managing billions of dollars in payroll each year for thousands of clients. But, the provider of your employee wellness program isn’t keeping up with your company growth. Their technology only […]