When trying to measure the return on employee incentive programs, what Benefits, HR and Safety leaders at self-insured companies actually need to measure is their healthcare cost [or savings] in relation to the cost of their health, wellness, and safety programs.

One of the most common sources of pushback that health, wellness, and safety program vendors face is: “If this is as successful as you say it will be, it’s going to cost me a fortune.”

Against a backdrop of sky-rocketing healthcare costs and a new political administration, it can definitely be a scary time to consider spending additional dollars on a program in order to lower insurance costs, increase productivity, reduce work-related incidents, OSHA fines, and employee absenteeism. Almost seems counter-intuitive right? Another concern is retaining a quality workforce that has come to expect full medical coverage and benefits programs from an employer. But the bigger consideration is, can you risk not implementing an employee incentive program?… And if that program is a whopping success, then it will more than pay for itself in savings and employee satisfaction.

According to SHRM, the average cost for insuring a family has risen to $25,000 per year. And with costs continuing to rise both for employers and the portion passed to employees, resources are dwindling, and with that, so is employee satisfaction.¹.

We can’t speak for all incentive program vendors out there, but at GoPivot, we give everyone a reason to change and provide many reasons why incentive program costs are well worth the rewards:

¹Source: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/benefits/pages/how-to-control-your-companys-health-care-costs-with-a-self-funded-program.aspx