Wellness Program Cost Vs. Healthcare Savings

When trying to measure the return on employee incentive programs, what Benefits, HR and Safety leaders at self-insured companies actually need to measure is their healthcare cost [or savings] in relation to the cost of their health, wellness, and safety programs. One of the most common sources of pushback that health, wellness, and safety program […]

No Wasted Dollars: How to Make Every Dollar Spent on Employee Incentive Programs Count

You’re paying thousands of dollars per month for your wellness or safety program. Even though it’s a sacrifice, you look forward to long-term ROI in the form of lower premiums, fewer incidents, and employees who are safe, happy, alert, and productive. So, you’re thrilled when your metrics tell you-you’re getting 70% program engagement. But that’s […]

Good Intentions vs. Broken Promises

There’s an all too familiar villain in our midst, one that is causing a rise in employer healthcare costs, time off of work, and OSHA incidents, while also causing a reduction in employee performance and productivity. Meet broken promises – the not-so-silent killer and arch nemesis of good intentions. Everyone starts with good intentions – […]