7 Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 7 Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes  [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The holidays are the perfect time to relax and eat good food.  Especially after a year like this one, I think we’re all ready to sit back and enjoy the comforts of the season.    With Thanksgiving kicking off the festivities, many of us dust off our old recipe books and brace ourselves for hours spent in the […]

Changing Behavior in High-Risk Populations with a Focused Coaching Program

The FitWarrior Program:  Changing Behavior in High-Risk Populations with a Focused Coaching Program  At GoPivot, we work with employers every day to create customized wellness and engagement programs to help their entire employee population make lasting behavior changes that lead to a healthier, more productive life. For high-risk populations, including employees with chronic conditions, it’s often necessary to create focused, one-to-one programming to incite change. At GoPivot, our […]

Communicate & Recognize with GoPivot

Communicate & Recognize with GoPivot GoPivot has added some exciting features to its platform so employers can communicate urgent messages, award points, and celebrate achievements all in one place!  Whether you’re sending day-to-day correspondence, congratulating a job well done, sharing a reminder, or even celebrating a milestone, GoPivot can be used every day to communicate […]

Why Employee Recognition Matters

Why Employee Recognition Matters Humans have a fundamental need to be appreciated.  According to psychology today, when we’re shown gratitude, we feel valued, recognized, well-liked, connected, and it deepens our sense of meaning.  Naturally, our need to feel appreciated goes hand in hand with our performance in the workplace. When employees feel valued in their […]

Surviving Virtual Learning – Tips for Parents from an Assistant Principal

Surviving Virtual Learning: Tips for Parents from an Assistant Principal Virtual learning is a new concept for all of us.  Whether you’re juggling multiple kids learning from home, your own career while helping your kids learn virtually, or being an educator and a parent, we’re all simply doing our best right now.  Unfortunately, there isn’t […]

The Top 4 Employee Incentives for 2021

The Top 4 Employee Incentives for 2021 Incentives matter and a good incentives program recognizes that rewards are not one-size-fits-all.  People are motivated differently based on age, lifestyle factors, and environment. People also act differently in a given situation based entirely on the types of incentives that are available to them at that time. Employers […]

Drive Healthy, Drive Safe: Tips for Truckers and Transportation Workers

Drive Healthy, Drive Safe: Tips for Truckers and Transportation Workers A typical day in the life of a Long-haul truck driver consists of several hundred miles hauling cargo from point A to B, truck stop showers, fast food meals, and a lot of solitary time.  Many drivers log thousands of miles every month, which lends […]

Communicating During A Crisis Takeaways

Communicating During A Crisis Takeaways We kicked off our 2020 Employers Like Me Virtual Series with an important discussion on COVID-19 and Crisis Communications in your organization.  Our guest speakers were Ashley Bush of Southwire – Director of Communications and Employee Engagement, and Jamie Benton of Rollins – Director of Compensation and Benefits. If you […]

The Importance of Engagement: How to Ensure Your Employees are Thriving – Not Surviving

The Importance of Engagement:  How to Ensure Your Employees are Thriving, Not Surviving. It’s no secret that employee disengagement is costly. Studies show that less than 1 in 3 U.S. workers are consistently engaged. In fact, According to a recent Harvard Business Review report, employee disengagement costs employers anywhere from $450 to $550 billion every year.  SHRM takes that statistic a step further, specifying a toxic workplace culture as one of the main culprits for employee disengagement and turnover.  Their recent culture report indicates that turnover drained almost a quarter […]

Nutrition 101: Top 5 Takeaways from a Registered Dietitian

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text] 5 Takeaways from Nutrition 101   [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] Registered Dietitian, Addie Claire Jones joined us on our recent Pivot Pop-Up to talk all things nutrition.  She gave us tons of helpful information on Macro and Micronutrients, weight loss, what to eat pre and post-workout, smart snacking, treat meals, and much more.  Check out the On-Demand webinar here.    We’ve summarized our Top 5 Takeaways below.     […]