3565 Piedmont Rd NE, Bldg 2, Ste 700, Atlanta, GA 30305

Elevate Workplace Wellness, Elevate Productivity.

Redefine corporate health with our integrative approach. Boost employee engagement, nurture mental well-being, and create a thriving workspace. Book a personalized demo and let’s transform your wellness strategy together.

Drive meaningful change in employee behavior to achieve wellness and business goals.

Traditional methods of engaging individuals in their personal health journeys are broken. Our personalized, incentive-based corporate wellness platform is built with both the employer and the participant in mind.  The result: healthier, happier employees driving positive outcomes including reduced healthcare costs, improved productivity, and a better work culture.

Our Mobile-First Approach to CORPORATE Wellness Programs Drives Real Employee Engagement.

Fitness focuses on exercise content instructed by certified professionals, ranging from videos to biking, walking, running activities, and more.
Personalized plans offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes based on participant preferences for cuisine, dietary plan, and allergens.
Connect activity trackers and apps to automatically sync with participant profiles.

Designed with your organization's goals in mind, each completed activity represents the desired output from your program design.
Innovative individual and team challenges help to drive participation and engagement.

Participants can choose from millions of choices to be rewarded. These range from gift cards, merchandise, travel, entertainment options, or even a deposit to the participants HSA.

Why is employee wellbeing important?

Employers that take a systemic approach to holistically supporting employees in their daily lives see stronger retention rates, increased job satisfaction, lower stress levels, and unmatched productivity and efficiency.
Increased Rentention
Increased Job Satisfaction
Increased Productivity + Effciency
Lower Stress Levels

What types OF wellness initiatives make the biggest impact on overall health and the bottom line?

GoPivot’s unique, pay-for-performance billing model takes aim at the highest, most costly health risk areas for employees including:

Promoting preventative care

Lowering cholesterol

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight

Managing stress



FitWarriors lose an average of 25lbs and raise fitness levels by 65% in 6 months.
The FitWarrior program is designed to change thinking and behaviors associated with one’s health and fitness, resulting in lasting outcomes. By combining the GoPivot platform with peer support and a dedicated FitWarrior coach, FitWarriors experience dramatic physical and mental changes.
Address and mitigate the risks and costs associated with:
High Disease Prevalence
Unhealthy Eating Habits
Lack of Exercise
Low Self-Confidence