GoPivot Shares: What We’re Reading in January 2021

I haven’t turned down this many page corners or underlined so much since I was studying for finals in grad school. This memoir is packed with stories from Glennon’s life and lessons learned about vulnerability, mindfulness, and self-compassion. Through humor and humility, Glennon has written a battle cry for women to embrace their true selves and build lives that have meaning and truth.

Pivoteer: Taylor Chlebowski, Senior Program Manager

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Category: Goal Setting; Self-Improvement

In Atomic Habits, James Cleer highlights the effects of small habits over time and how they can accumulate into remarkable results. Whether we want to create a good habit or break a bad habit, there are 4 simple steps outlined in this book that will teach you exactly how to do just that. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is setting goals, because it turns out goal setting is not just about the result, but the process of how we get there (aka habits!). Atomic Habits will teach you how to transform your daily routine and explain how you can set realistic and achievable goals by making small changes. I learned a lot about how my brain works and why I do the things I do!

Pivoteer: Suzanne Bailey, Senior Program Manager

Elite Minds by Dr. Stan Beecham

Category: Success; Life; Business; Self-Improvement

Dr. Stan Beecham is a top-level sports psychologist, performance consultant, and speaker. In this award-winning book, he shares stories, and “takeaways” for peak performance in sports and business.   Dr. Beecham takes you inside the minds of world-class business leaders, Olympic medalists, and professional athletes and reveals their mental processes and key motivators to achieve optimal success. He teaches you how to think like a winner and become who you want to be personally and professionally. Elite Minds is easy to understand and will benefit anyone interested in personal development.  I consider it a must-read for athletes and coaches.

Pivoteer: Julie Palmer, VP of Customer Success

Fiber Fueled by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

Category: Health; Wellness; Medicine

This book explains exactly what our microbiome is – the engine that drives human health – and how we can feed it in order to avoid and/or reverse disease. This book is backed by scientific study after study and debunks all of the fad diets.  It describes dysbiosis or the loss of harmony between you and your gut and how when this happens inflammation occurs. Dysbiosis develops from the stressors we put on our bodies whether it be environmentally (stress from our job or unhealthy relationships) or from the food we put into our bodies (sugar, fast foods, etc.). We all have control over the health of our microbiome and in return have control over our overall health! Reading this book will change your life! AMAZING recipes too!

Pivoteer: Kelsey Haddock, Marketing Manager

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F#%k by Mark Manson

Category: Personal Development; Success; Failure

This book presents an entirely new approach to personal development, from top to bottom. Life is not about getting rid of problems, it’s about finding better problems. It’s not about avoiding failure, it’s about getting better at failure. It’s not about knowing everything, but becoming more comfortable in not knowing anything. This book is all about coming to terms with all of the inevitable unimportant imperfections in life and then choosing to care about them. It’s about learning how to care about the few things that truly matter.

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